Vision and Values
Our vision and values are at the core of everything we do. They underpin our teaching and learning, and provide an environment which prepares our pupils as confident, happy citizens.
It is vital that, whatever the circumstances, the educational needs of that child or young person are met in the most suitable setting to enable that young person to receive the most appropriate support and provision and secure good outcomes. We endeavour to meet the individual child’s needs so they may thrive, not only in education and consequently employability, but life too.
Our values of respect, inspire, succeed and engage underpin the provision.
Respect for our young people is paramount and we will:
- ensure there is a collective responsibility for safeguarding and promoting student well-being.
- listen to and respect what children, young people and their families have to say and design services to meet their needs.
We want to inspire our young people by:
securing a highly skilled and well supported workforce who can inspire young people.
ensuring that all provisions meet statutory expectations, ambitious standards, and quality assurance processes.
We will provide our young people opportunities to succeed by:
by intervening early through effective identification of need; high quality targeted provision in schools and clear and accessible referral routes to alternative provision.
ensuring there is a sufficiency and range of high quality alternative provision and interventions to meet the diverse needs of learners and keep young people in learning and achieving.
We will engage our young people by:
- ensuring that there are rigorous systems for the assessment and monitoring of pupil progress and that programmes prepare learners for the next stage of education, employment and/ or training.
- working in partnership with all stakeholders and make sure there is good communication between and amongst all partners and agencies